Purposeful Worship

Mar 10, 2024    Chad Davis

Foundation #1: God's tabernacle is the dwelling place for His presence among His people, and the centerpiece of their collective lives.

Foundation #2: God’s attention to detail in his instructions for the tabernacle indicate how important worship was to be for His people.

Foundation #3: God’s tabernacle was not holy because of the quality of its construction, but it was made holy when God’s presence filled it.

1. Worship of God begins on the inside, not on the outside.

2. Worship of God should be intentional and purposeful not unintentional and casual.

Supplemental Text:

Exodus 3:21-22

Matthew 6:19-24

Ecclesiastes 5:10

1 Timothy 6:10

Matthew 15:8-9

Exodus 25:22

Hebrews 10:11-13

Hebrews 10:19-23

Hebrews 4:16